Future Tire Design Concepts

 Aeroflow Tire Concept:

Aeroflow tire design is the innovation for the correct usage of airflow through tires. This technology can use the air flowing through a wide-based tire with the help of turbine impellers. This technology can be very helpful in creating a downforce generated by the movement of turbine impellers which would not only stabilize the car but also help the automotive industry to reach impressive records of speed on road. Therefore, the cars will be able to attain a more stabilized speed with the turbine impellers producing a downforce created by air.

Aeroflow structured concept tire

Hexonic tire concept:

Another innovative technology is said to be Hexonic. This technology is based on the concept of merging artificial intelligence with the mobility of vehicles. This kind of tire will possess a set of sensors that will be able to scan the roads and choose the best route while coordinating the functions to the self-driving car senses. Mr. Klause Krause has explained their views about developing such a concept and implementing it in self-driving cars in near future. Hence, the main aim to develop Hexonic technology is to make the drive effortless and intelligent with maximizing comfort.
Hexonic Tire Concept

After the advancements made in the tire industry with the airless tire, many more innovations and concepts have been developed for the betterment of working tires and improving the efficiency of the electric car driving experience. There are many such concepts that could revolutionize the tire industry which is very important as self-driven cars would be able to sense their surroundings and also optimize the experience from the very base of the car.

[Source- https://www.vehicledynamicsinternational.com]

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